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Write from the Start: Unique Programme to Develop the Fine Motor and Perceptual Skills Necessary for Effective Handwriting

$80.91  Set

Ion Teodorescu, Lois Addy

  • Write from the Start
  • Write from the Start
    Based on holistic principles, this programme offers a different approach, developing the muscles of the hand alongside the perceptual skills required to orientate and organize letter and words.

ISBN: 9781855032453

The ability to produce fluent, legible handwriting has been given an increased focus in curriculums, and affects attainment in many areas. If a child struggles to master this vital skill the implications can be serious. However, the process of handwriting involves the complex co-ordination of motor, perceptual and cognitive skills which do not always develop spontaneously but which require considerable explanation, demonstration, experimentation and practice.

A unique approach to developing fine motor and perceptual skills, Write from the Start offers a radically different and effective approach to handwriting. Structured activities develop the muscles of the hand - so that children gain the necessary control to produce letter forms - alongside the perceptual skills required to orientate and organise letters and words. It has been extensively used in British schools, where it has proved highly successful with:

  • mainstream children aged 4-6 years
  • children with developmental co-ordination disorders (dyspraxia)
  • older children with mild/moderate learning difficulties.

The programme contains over 400 carefully graded activities that develop the intrinsic muscles of the hand so that children gain the necessary control to form letter shapes and create appropriate spaces between words, alongside the following perceptual skills required to orientate letters and organise the page:

  • hand–eye co-ordination
  • form constancy
  • spatial organisation
  • figure-ground discrimination
  • orientation
  • laterality.

This cumulative programme is structured into 8 sections. At each stage, the photocopiable exercise sheets can be made into booklets so that pupils, parents and teachers can easily monitor progress and achievement.

Set contains: Book 1 (120 A4 pages), Book 2 (136 A4 pages) and a teacher's handbook.

Table of Contents

Set contains:

  • Workbook 1 (120 A4 pages),
  • Workbook 2 (136 A4 pages)
  • Teacher's Handbook (20 pages).