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Visual Support for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

RRP - $52.99   Our Price - $48.64  Softcover
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Vera Bernard-Opitz, Anne Häußler

  • Visual Support for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

242 pages
Interest Age: 4 to 18
ISBN: 9781934575826

Combining their years of experience working with individuals on the autism spectrum around the world, authors Vera Bernard-Opitz and Anne Häußler bring teachers and other professionals practical ideas and teaching methods for offering visual supports to students with autism spectrum disorders and other visual learners.

With hundreds of photographic illustrations and step-by-step directions, this book lays the foundation for how to structure teaching environments, as well as offers countless examples of activities for students, ranging from basic skills, to reading and maths, to social behaviour.

Table of Contents

Preface and Acknowledgments 1

Introduction 3

Chapter 1: Levels of Structure 5

  • Physical Structure 5
  • Time Structure 6
  • Structure for Independent Work/Study Sessions 7
  • Structured Tasks and Activities 8

Chapter 2: Establishing the Basic Structure of Teaching Settings 11

  • Structuring Space 11
  • Structuring Time 16
  • Structuring Situations to Foster Independent Activity 23

Chapter 3: Prototypes of Tasks 29

  • Task Formats and Task Types 29
  • Prototypes for Developing Basic Skills 30
  • Put-In Tasks 30
  • Put-On Tasks 32
  • Pegboards 33
  • Stringing Tasks 34
  • Matching Tasks 35
  • Sorting Container 35
  • Tasks With Table Format 36
  • Form Boards and Puzzles 37
  • Sorting Tray 38
  • Lotto 39
  • Dominoes 39
  • Threading Tasks 40
  • Stamp and Clip Tasks 41
  • Envelope and Packaging Tasks 41

Chapter 4: Designing and Structuring Tasks and Individual Activities 43

  • Basic Skills 45
  • Put-In Tasks 46
  • Disassembling 50
  • Assembling 54
  • Fine-Motor Skills and Visual-Motor Coordination 58
  • Matching and Sorting 75
  • Matching and Sorting of Objects 76
  • Matching Objects and Pictures 82
  • Matching and Sorting of Pictures 84
  • Matching and Sorting of Colors 88
  • Matching and Sorting of Shapes 96
  • Matching and Sorting by Size and Length 104
  • Matching and Sorting of Categories 108
  • Reading, Writing, and Numerical Skills 113
  • Number, Amount, and Simple Calculation 114
  • Letters and Reading 136
  • Self-Help Skills 149
  • Shopping and Hygiene 150
  • Household Tasks and Chores 154
  • Packaging and Assembly Tasks 162
  • Play 169
  • Communication 181
  • Social Behavior 201
  • Enhancing Motivation and Managing Behavior 212
  • Enhancing Motivation 212
  • Managing Behavior 215
  • Group Rules 220

Chapter 5: Resources 223

References 225

Practical Resources 227

"Though I have been working with children for over a decade, I found ideas for materials and ways of presenting skills instruction not previously encountered, and am excited to try some of these ideas with my clients! Recently, I have benefited from working together with Vera Bernard-Opitz, one of the co-authors, with children and their families. Her creativity and love for organization and programming materials shines through in the current offering. It is a practical guide to visual supports, with instructions for implementing the concepts and provides multiple examples of each. Visual Support for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders is a wonderful resource for parents of children with autism and for professionals working with those children."
- Christine Soriano, BCBA, Clinical Director at Pacific Child and Family Associates, Orange County, California

"Cornerstones for teaching in the ASD field - Vera Bernard-Opitz and Anne Häussler have pooled their vast experience and practical know-how to present this well-organized, easy-to-use book. Clear instructions and explanations throughout, with examples as well as tips and ideas to design and structure tasks and activities make this resource an indispensable work companion for parents or professionals involved in the support of persons of all ages who have an ASD or other disability."
- Petra Dillmann, Parent of an adult with Autism; Founder of Autism & Asperger's Namibia

"This must-have book is beyond 'comprehensive'; it's a veritable soup-to-nuts approach to intervention! It also combines the best of both worlds - the structured teaching approach of the TEACCH model and an analytical approach to skill development. The illustrations and step-by-step instructions make setting up the environment and replicating intervention techniques an absolute cinch!"
- Diane Twachtman-Cullen, PhD, CCC-SLP; editor-in-chief, Autism Spectrum Quarterly