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2nd Edition

Supporting Key Stage 2 and 3 Dyslexic Pupils, their Teachers and Support Staff: The Dragonfly Worksheets

$53.63  Softcover
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Sally Raymond

  • Supporting Key Stage 2 and 3 Dyslexic Pupils, their Teachers and Support Staff

120 pages
Interest Age: 7 to 14
ISBN: 9781138774629

This A4 resource book provides all the materials required to follow structured programmes of learning support for dyslexic pupils. Created by Sally Raymond, an experienced teacher of dyslexic pupils, this resource provides a wide variety of adaptable worksheets with lots of teaching advice and supportive guidance.

The worksheets:

  • are fully adaptable to meet the needs of different pupils
  • support Department of Education recommendations and Ofsted advice and guidance
  • encourage cross-curricula support and interventions to promote maximum access to a wide range of topics
  • use varied, enjoyable, applications including games, quizzes and novel challenges designed to engage and stimulate thinking and learning
  • develop the knowledge and skills of practitioners helping them identify and monitor progress and needs

Table of Contents


Meeting the needs of dyslexic pupils

Support throughout the curriculum

Processing weaknesses found within the dyslexic profile

Organisation of delivery

The Dragonfly Worksheets.