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2nd Edition

Supporting Children with Down's Syndrome

$44.54  Paperback
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Lisa Bentley, Ruth Dance, Elizabeth Morling

  • Supporting Children with Down's Syndrome

116 pages
ISBN: 9781138914858

This practical resource contains a wealth of valuable advice and tried-and-tested strategies for supporting children and young people with Downs Syndrome. This text describes the different types of difficulties experienced by pupils with Downs Syndrome and helps practitioners to understand their diverse needs.

The wide-ranging chapters explore a variety of topics, including:

  • Defining the profile of a pupil with Downs Syndrome
  • Guidelines for working with pupils
  • Addressing behaviour issues
  • The use of ICT Home/school liaison
  • Assessment

It provides guidance and practical strategies for SENCOs (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators), teachers and other professionals and parents, helping them to feel more confident, and be more effective in supporting learners in a variety of settings. It also provides materials for in-house training sessions, and features useful checklists, templates and photocopiable resources.

Fully updated with the UK's 2014 SEND Code of Practice.

Table of Contents


Section 1: Introduction: What is inclusion?

  1. Inclusion in education
  2. The Legislation
  3. Including the pupil with Downs syndrome
  4. The specific learning profile for Downs syndrome

Section 2: Including the Pupil with Downs Syndrome

  1. Characteristics
  2. Possible medical problems
  3. Supporting pupils with Downs syndrome
  4. Classroom practice
  5. Differentiation
  6. Visual impairment
  7. Hearing impairment
  8. Transition from primary to secondary school

Section 3: Use of Support Staff for the pupil with Downs syndrome

  1. Adult support for the pupil
  2. Support staff: effective deployment
  3. Support staff: roles and responsibilities
  4. Support staff: guidelines for working with pupils

Section 4: Specific Issues in Teaching and Learning for the pupil with Downs syndrome

  1. Developing speech and language
  2. Addressing behaviour issues
  3. Developing memory
  4. Developing mathematical skills
  5. Developing reading skills
  6. Developing independent writing
  7. Teaching spelling
  8. Fine and gross motor skills
  9. The use of ICT

Section 5: Developing Social Inclusion for the pupil with Downs syndrome

  1. Independence skills
  2. Developing self-help skills
  3. Developing self-esteem
  4. Supporting peers to include pupils with Downs syndrome
  5. Promoting peer-group relationships
  6. Pupils views
  7. Home/school liaison
  8. The emotional aspects of life with a child Downs syndrome
  9. Siblings of the child with Downs syndrome

Section 6: Assessment and planning

  1. Assessment
  2. Pupil profiles and learning plans/IEPs

Section 7: Continuing Professional Development

  1. Planning for Continuing Professional Development

Section 8: Resources and useful contacts

  • Resources
  • Useful contacts


  1. Issues for consideration
  2. Some professionals who may be involved with the pupil
  3. Small steps approach to recording progress in reading
  4. Small steps approach to recording progress in scissor skills