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building language - word meanings

Building Language - Word Meanings


A language programme to build understanding and recall of words by strengthening semant...

building language - word meanings 2

Building Language - Word Meanings 2


A language programme to build understanding and recall of words by strengthening semant...

building language - word sounds

Building Language - Word Sounds


A language programme to build recognition and production of speech sounds and letters w...

comprehensive aphasia test (cat)

Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT)


The CAT is a test for people who have acquired aphasia and can be completed over one or...

conversation starters for teens and adults

Conversation Starters For Teens And Adults


Use these photo cards with your teen and adult clients when you want to get them talking.

food colorlibrary

Food ColorLibrary


A superb card set that does not rely on packaging to identify a range of food items. Gr...

photo funtastic language cards

Photo FUNtastic Language Cards


Here is a collection of 385 language picture cards designed specifically for use in lan...

picture symbol language activity book

Picture Symbol Language Activity Book


Individuals with severe communication disorders often use picture symbols to share info...

practical aphasia remediation kit (park)

Practical Aphasia Remediation Kit (PARK)


Here is a collection of practical, easy-to-use materials, designed specifically for lan...

semantic and naming therapy

Semantic and Naming Therapy


This book provides clinicians with evidence-based therapy tasks to enhance naming and w...

the speech and language activity resource book

The Speech and Language Activity Resource Book


This practical book offers a flexible set of activities and worksheets to support speec...

using the systems approach for aphasia

Using the Systems Approach for Aphasia


Deliver therapy in a way that better serves those who live with aphasia & their familie...


Aphasia is a disturbance of the comprehension and formulation of language caused by dysfunction in specific brain regions. This class of language disorder ranges from having difficulty remembering words to losing the ability to speak, read, or write. This also affects visual language such as sign language. Aphasia is usually linked to brain damage, most commonly by stroke.

Acute aphasia disorders usually develop quickly as a result of head injury or stroke, and progressive forms of aphasia develop slowly from a brain tumour, infection, or dementia. The area and extent of brain damage or atrophy will determine the type of aphasia and its symptoms. Aphasia types include expressive, receptive, conduction, anomic, global, primary progressive and many others. Medical evaluations for the disorder range from clinical screenings by a neurologist to extensive tests by a speech-language pathologist. Most acute aphasia patients can recover some or most skills by working with a speech-language pathologist. This rehabilitation can take two or more years and is most effective when begun quickly. Only a small minority will recover without therapy, such as those suffering a mini-stroke. Improvement varies widely, depending on the aphasia's cause, type, and severity. Recovery also depends on the patient's age, health, motivation, handedness, and educational level.
