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Catch-up Readers From Phonic Books Series

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catch-up readers pack

Catch-up Readers Pack


Ten exciting 10 or 12 book sets featuring one continuous story in each set. Practice re...

Catch-up Readers from Phonic Books Series

Decodable, synthetic phonic reading books for older readers.

The purpose of these series of books is to fill in the missing gaps in phonic skills and knowledge that prevent pupils from making progress and becoming fluent readers.

They are designed to appeal to older pupils who may have already experienced reading failure. Many of these pupils experience loss of confidence and low self-esteem.

Special features have been included to engage but also to facilitate access to text and develop confident, independent reading strategies:

  • Vocabulary Page
  • Short chapters for reluctant readers
  • Text on cream background for easier reading
  • Motivating age-appropriate illustrations and storyline
  • Syllables split for reader
  • Dyslexia friendly font
  • Reading practice page with phonic focus
  • Workbooks for further learning linked to stories