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Secondary Girls Fiction Pack: Reading Age 8

RRP - $99.95   Our Price - $97.73  Set
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  • Secondary Girls Fiction Pack
  • Secondary Girls Fiction Pack
    Dyslexia-friendly layout, typeface and paperstock this pack of 6 fantastic titles, aimed at secondary-aged girls with a reading age of 8 years.

Interest Age: 12 to 18
Reading Age: 8

A pack of 6 readers aimed at struggling girl readers.

Perceptions of reluctant or less confident readers as male mean that there is less accessible fiction available for girls. This pack is specifically selected as being of interest for girl reluctant readers - it offers strong female protagonists.

This set of books, has a dyslexia-friendly layout, typeface and paperstock so that even more readers can enjoy it. They have been edited to a reading age of 8 at an interest level for readers aged from 13 to 18 years.

Note: Occasionally one of the titles listed may become temporarily unavailable, when this happens we will replace it with another similar title with the same reading age.

Item MediaPrice
img_8152Secondary Girls Fiction Pack
Reading Age 8
img_7592Because of You
img_8282Just Another Little Lie
img_8885One Shot
img_10359Say No to the Dress
How One Bridesmaid Killed the Frills
img_9063The Last Hawk
img_10023Letting Go
how far should you go to keep a promise?