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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: Overview of This Book

I. Prevention Science in Schools

  1. Prevention as a Public Education Value
  2. The Importance of Details
  3. Risk Factors and Student Success
  4. What to Teach in the Era of the Common Core State Standards

II. The Importance of Collaboration and Teams

  1. The Essential Role of Teams in Supporting All Students
  2. The Logistics of Setting Up and Running Effective School Teams
  3. Effective Team Processing: Using Data and a Problem-Solving Approach

III. Making Change Happen

  1. The Science of Change
  2. Exploration, Adoption, and Installation
  3. Implementation
  4. Innovation and Sustainability
  5. Schedules

IV. Effective Instruction within an MTSS

  1. What Is Effective Instruction?
  2. The Instructional Hierarchy
  3. Effective Instruction for Students Who Are ELLs
  4. Treatment Integrity
  5. Critical Mass: Why 80% Student Success Matters

V. MTSS Organizational Structure

  1. Universal Screening
  2. Problem Solving
  3. Progress Monitoring
  4. Understanding Student Data

VI. Connecting an MTSS with Other Supports

  1. What Is Tier 3?
  2. Education for All
  3. Recognition and Support for Disabilities: Section 504 Plans and Special Education
  4. Case Example: Building Tiered Supports

Glossary of Important MTSS Terms

