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Positive Behaviour Support

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family hope program guide

Family HOPE Program Guide


Based on the principles of positive behaviour support (PBS), this program offers suppor...



A six-module DVD program designed to guide school staff through the process of writing ...

functional assessment-based intervention

Functional Assessment-Based Intervention


A comprehensive approach to designing and implementing evidence-based Tier 3 behaviour ...

Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behaviour Support (aka PBL, PBIS) is an evidence-based whole school approach to improve learning outcomes for all students. Positive Behaviour Support uses preventative, teaching and reinforcement-based strategies to achieve meaningful and durable behaviour outcomes.

Typically, Positive Behaviour Support programmes provide strategies and interventions based around a three tier pyramid model - schoolwide (tier 1), classroom and small group (tier 2), individual (tier 3). The systematic implementation of schoolwide positive behaviour strategies provides the foundation, improving behavioural standards and consistency across the school. Tier 2 and tier 3 interventions, provide additional support to those students who sometimes or often behave significantly outside school expectations.

The resources on this page are carefully collated from the leading academics and practitioners in PBS, with a focus on practical resources for use in setting up schoolwide programs and/or developing targeted interventions at tiers 2 and 3.

The NSW, QLD, WA and NZ education department websites all provide useful information about their Positive Behaviour Support intiatives and links to more information. The link below takes you to the US based which provides a large amount of useful information on PBIS.
