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Circle Time Sessions for Relaxation and Imagination

$69  Softcover

Tony Pryce

  • Circle Time Sessions for Relaxation and Imagination

96 pages
Interest Age: 8+
ISBN: 9781412920186

Young people have to cope with stress yet often are given little or no practical help, nor are they taught coping strategies.

Using the popular technique of Circle Time, this book provides a range of exercises to promote relaxation, inner confidence and a positive sense of self through the use of visualisation. These strategies are already established in other walks of life, such as sport, and will build on emotional literacy work elsewhere in the curriculum.

The exercises are also accompanied by questions, discussion prompts and worksheets. This book will be useful for all adults who want to provide young people aged 8 upwards with the tools to assist emotional development.

Table of Contents


A Relaxation Exercise

Learning to relax the body

Row Your Boat

A visualisation for generating wellbeing and inner peace inner peace

The Giant Within

Creating a big person internally

The House that Peace Built

Creating peaceful spaces within and exploring the fact that there are many aspects to ourselves

Mirror, Mirror On My Wall

Building a positive internal image of ourselves based on acceptance

The Happy Forest

A visualisation and wellbeing exercise for generating warmth towards oneself

Sky Dance with An Eagle

Promoting inner peace and wellbeing

Butterfly Valley

A visualisation exercise for building confidence


Learning to let go of troublesome and persistent thoughts

The Roar of the Crowd

Taking on challenges and becoming a winner internally

Quick Fixes and Tune Ups

Bow and Arrow

A visualisation exercise for dispersing of negative emotion

The Tap

Turning off negative emotions and recognising choice in going with or against an emotion

Receptive Hands

Creating openness towards the challenge of learning


A mental preparation for sitting exams

Start of Day Positive Focus 1

Creating a climate of positive interaction

Start of Day Positive Focus 2

Creating a climate of positive interaction

Ball of Light

A circle game for developing goodwill amongst a class or a group

From Buds to Flowers

Working towards a wholesome future self