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Boy on the Page

$13.63  Paperback
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Peter Carnavas Australian author

  • Boy on the Page
  • Boy on the Page
    A small boy lands on the page and, quite by accident, discovers the joy and wonder of life.

32 pages
Interest Age: 4 to 8
ISBN: 9781925059106

The Boy on the Page is the story of a boy who lands on the page. At first, there is nothing else on the page but gradually, things begin to grow and a world slowly appears around him. But one question troubles him: why is he there? Before he has time to think, he is suddenly thrust into the living of life, as he rolls down hills, paddles canoes, saves animals, plays music, falls in love, builds a house and puts out a fire. Finally, after some deep thought and an attempt to jump off the page, he stumbles upon the reason for him being on the page – to love and be loved (which he was doing all along, of course!).

This is a light and whimsical meaning-of-life story with some shades of It's A Wonderful Life, one of author Peter Carnavas' favourite films. It’s an unconventional story structure with a nameless hero and a middle section that is basically an illustrated list of episodes in somebody’s life, however the ending ties it all together with purpose. The key theme in this book is that the most important things in our lives are the people close to us (as well as the pigs and penguins and giraffes).