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2nd Edition

Behavior Solutions for the Home and Community

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Beth Aune

  • Behavior Solutions for the Home and Community

151 pages
ISBN: 9781949177022

Behavior Solutions for the Home and Community is a tool for parents, teachers, and caregivers working with a child on the autism spectrum whose behaviours are impeding their daily lives. Once they see a particular behaviour, they can quickly look up an in-the-moment solution and, then, read more about what could be causing that behaviour and, more importantly, how to overcome it.

This helpful book is intended to provide general, practical solutions for busy (and often overwhelmed) parents and caregivers. It is a handy reference guide: a "must have" for every home with a child with autism!

Key features:

  • Beth Aunes first book for teachers, Behavior Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom, has been very popular. Parents and caregivers have been clamouring for a home-based version.
  • Behavior Solutions for the Home and Community is organised by behaviour for fast and easy navigation to deal with immediate problem behaviours.
  • The small size of the book allows it to be easily stored in a purse or a desk drawer.

Table of Contents

Section One: Self-Care and Promoting Independence

  • Chapter 1 Getting Dressed
  • Chapter 2 Restricted Clothing Choices
  • Chapter 3 Buttoning, Zipping, and Snapping
  • Chapter 4 Shoe Tying
  • Chapter 5 Bathing and Showering Issues
  • Chapter 6 Haircuts and Grooming
  • Chapter 7 Teeth Brushing
  • Chapter 8 Cutting Fingernails and Toenails
  • Chapter 9 Lotions and Sunscreens
  • Chapter 10 Toileting

Section Two: Eating and Mealtime Issues at Home

  • Chapter 11 Trouble with Textures
  • Chapter 12 Restricted Diet and Picky Eating
  • Chapter 13 Messy Eating
  • Chapter 14 Overstuffing the Mouth
  • Chapter 15 Utensil Use
  • Chapter 16 Sitting at the Table and Staying in Seat
  • Chapter 17 Swallowing Medication and Supplements

Section Three: Bedtime and Sleeping Issues

  • Chapter 18 Difficulty Waking Up
  • Chapter 19 Getting out of the House on Time