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Tanya Hanstock

psychological treatment approaches for young children and their families

Psychological Treatment Approaches for Young Children and...


A comprehensive overview of 14 commonly available therapeutic interventions for childre...

Tanya Hanstock

Dr Tanya Hanstock (BA. [Hons], D Clin and Health Psyc) completed her Doctor of Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of New England in 2003. She then worked in the public health system (in community settings as well as inpatient units) assessing and treating children and adolescents with developmental and or mental health issues. Tanya has also worked at headspace centre and worked in rural, regional and metropolitan areas. Tanya is a Senior Lecturer and the Convenor of the Clinical Psychology Programs in the School of Psychological Sciences, University of Newcastle. She has participated in academic teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Newcastle (UON), The University of New England (UNE) and Charles Sturt University (CSU) for over 21 years. She has previously been the Director of The Clinical Psychology Programs at the University of New England. She teaches in all areas of Clinical Psychology, supervises the research projects of master of clinical psychology, honours and PhD students and supervises students on Clinical Psychology placements. Her particular interest is in teaching students about child development and the assessment and treatment of child developmental and mental health issues in children and adolescents. Tanya’s research is focused on the understanding, assessment and treatment of mental health disorders across the lifespan. Her special clinical interest is in bipolar disorder, particularly the onset of bipolar disorder (BD) in young people. Tanya is in the process of completing her PhD in the field of BD.