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Sarah C Wayland

technology tools for students with autism

Technology Tools for Students with Autism


An in-depth guided tour of technologies that support learners with autism & help them f...

Sarah C Wayland

Sarah C. Wayland, Ph.D., is a senior research scientist at the University of Maryland's Center for Advanced Study of Language and a faculty affiliate in the Special Education Program in the College of Education. She has worked on issues pertaining to language for over 25 years, first at Brandeis University, where she earned a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, and then at Northeastern University, the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and now at the University of Maryland College Park. She was not in academia for all that time; for over a decade she worked in industry designing those annoying telephone voice systems everyone loves to yell at.

Active in the local disability community, she has helped organize numerous conferences designed to help parents and professionals learn more about ways to help their children with disabilities. She is on the executive committee of the Individual Differences in Learning Association and has been a board member of the Special Education Citizens' Advisory Committee of Prince George's County, Maryland, since 2007. She comoderates GT-Special, an international Listserv for parents of twice-exceptional children (children who are both gifted and learning disabled), and is a member of the Gifted and Talented with Learning Disabilities (GT/LD) Network. She is also a Parents' Place of Maryland PEP (Parents Encouraging Parents) leader of Prince George's County, Maryland.