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Oliver Lovell

the classroom management handbook

The Classroom Management Handbook


The most concise, scaffolded, and unapologetically practical guide to classroom managem...

sweller's cognitive load theory in action

Sweller's Cognitive Load Theory in Action


This practical guide summarises over 30 years of research in this field into clear & ea...

Oliver Lovell

Ollie Lovell is an author, podcaster, and educator based in Melbourne, Australia. He is best known as host of the hugely popular Education Research Reading Room Podcast. He has an insatiable curiosity for all things teaching and learning, and finds few things more enjoyable than gaining a new insight into what makes learning happen. In all of his work, Ollie is laser focussed on clarifying, codifying, and communicating the best that education research and practice has to offer time-poor teachers.

Outside of teaching, Ollie is a Quaker, Effective Altruist, and co-founder of Dendro, a learning technology that – through the science of learning – empowers people to read and remember massive amounts of knowledge with ease and enjoyment (

You can find Ollie on twitter at @ollie_lovell

Author Website