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Margaret Thorsborne

building a trauma-informed restorative school

Building a Trauma-Informed Restorative School


Teaches educators everything they need to know about developing trauma-informed restora...

the continuum of restorative practices in schools

The Continuum of Restorative Practices in Schools


This invaluable manual looks at the continuum of practices in schools implementing rest...

getting more out of restorative practice in schools

Getting More Out of Restorative Practice in Schools


Improve behaviour and relationships, by changing the culture of problem solving in the ...

implementing restorative practices in schools

Implementing Restorative Practices in Schools


This books explains what has to happen in a school in order for it to become truly rest...

a practical introduction to restorative practice in schools

A Practical Introduction to Restorative Practice in Schools


A proven approach to conflict resolution in schools, shows how restorative justice can ...

psychology of emotion in restorative practice

Psychology of Emotion in Restorative Practice


Providing an accessible explanation of how RP works, this book will be invaluable to al...

restorative practice and special needs

Restorative Practice and Special Needs


Explains how RP can be adapted for those with additional needs and to see real improvem...

Margaret Thorsborne

Margaret Thorsborne is the Managing Director of Transformative Justice Australia (Queensland) and Thorsborne and Associates in London, UK, a company committed to improving the way people relate to each other in the workplace, schools and other communities. With Peta Blood, Margaret co-founded Restorative Practices International (RPI), the world's first international membership organization for restorative practitioners. Margaret lives on the Sunshine Coast in Australia.

Margaret Thorsborne has a long history in education, guidance and counselling. Her passion has always been to find better ways to build and rebuild relationships between teachers, students and other members of the school community, to enhance teaching and learning outcomes. She and like-minded colleagues were therefore keen to discover more effective interventions to deal with those sorts of incidents in schools such as bullying, abuse, conflict and violence which did not respond positively to traditional punitive sanctions. She was, therefore, inspired by stories of conferencing then being used in justice agencies. Always a risk-taker, Margaret convened the first ever school-based conference with a little telephone coaching from a police officer and has never looked back! She managed a ground-breaking pilot of community conferencing in her educational region, and is now consultant to a number of government education departments in Australia and abroad wishing to change the policy, practice and culture of behaviour management in schools. Now a private consultant, she continues to work in schools as well as in private and public sector workplaces, convening conferences for high-level conflict and inappropriate behaviour and providing training in conference facilitation for middle and senior management.

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