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Jason C Travers

skillstreaming children and youth with high-functioning autism student workbook

Skillstreaming Children and Youth with High-Functioning A...


Numerous activities assist students to learn the Skillstreaming process and key social ...

Jason C Travers

Dr Jason C. Travers, PhD, BCBA-D is an associate professor of special education and applied behavior analysis at Temple University where he coordinates the undergraduate and graduate degree programs in both areas of study. Dr. Travers is a former public school special educator for students with autism in Clark County School District in Nevada, the nation’s 5th largest school district. His research focuses on topics of diversity in special education, particularly the under-identification of racially diverse children in the autism category, as well as comprehensive sexuality education for individuals with autism across the lifespan. Dr. Travers is passionate about evidence-based practice in special education and is engaged in meta-scientific research to advance methodological rigor, transparency, and reproducibility of experimental research.