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Geraldine Dawson

coaching parents of young children with autism

Coaching Parents of Young Children with Autism


Covers deepening parents' understanding of how to boost skills during everyday activiti...

early start denver model for young children with autism

Early Start Denver Model for Young Children with Autism


This state-of-the-art manual presents the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM): a comprehens...

Geraldine Dawson

Geraldine Dawson, PhD, is the William Cleland Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University. She directs the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences and the Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development. With Sally J. Rogers, Dr. Dawson developed the Early Start Denver Model, the first empirically validated comprehensive intervention for toddlers with autism. Dr. Dawson is coauthor of the parent resources What Science Tells Us about Autism Spectrum Disorder, An Early Start for Your Child with Autism, and A Parent's Guide to High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, Second Edition. Her books for professionals include Early Start Denver Model for Young Children with Autism and Coaching Parents of Young Children with Autism. She is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; received the Distinguished Career Award from the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (Division 53 of the American Psychological Association) and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Psychological Science; and ranks in the top 1% of Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers.