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Dawn Dibley

numeracy for all learners

Numeracy for All Learners


Shows how Math Recovery theory, pedagogy, and tools can be applied meaningfully to spec...

Dawn Dibley

Dr. Pamela D. Tabor holds a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education and Bible from Kentucky Christian University, a Master of Arts degree in elementary education from East Tennessee State University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in mathematics education from Southern Cross University. Her supervisor was Robert J. Wright, the developer of Mathematics Recovery. Her current position is that of Research and Evaluation Specialist for the US Math Recovery Council in which she has the pleasure of working with instructional leaders from districts around the US and internationally to think deeply about the impact of Math Recovery in their school contexts. Previously, she spent nearly two decades as a school-based math specialist, interventionist and instructional coach. In that capacity she worked with administrators, teachers of mathematics, teachers of special education, students, and parents to improve the quality of mathematics instruction in a public elementary school in Maryland.