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7th Edition

Assessment of Children Cognitive Foundations and Applications: with Resource Guide

$314.5  Hardback
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Jerome M Sattler

  • Assessment of Children Cognitive Foundations and Applications

1405 pages
ISBN: 9780986149993

Assessment of Children: Cognitive Foundations and Applications, Seventh Edition, along with the Resource Guide to Accompany Assessment of Children, Seventh Edition, is designed as both a teaching text and a reference source for students and profes­sionals.

The Seventh Edition of Assessment of Children: Cognitive Foundations and Applications is the most comprehensive and up-to-date assessment text in the field of assessment of children. The 20 chapters in the main text and the 15 appendix chapters in the Resource Guide cover every major issue in the field of cognitive assessment of children. Each major individually administered intelligence test is covered in a separate chapter. New chapters cover the DAS-II NU, specific learning disability, intellectual disability, and giftedness/creativity. The combined text can be used for many years to come.

The Resource Guide to Accompany Assessment of Children, Seventh Edition provides extensive tables to help in interpreting the WISC–V, WPPSI–IV, SB5, DAS–II, and WJ IV COG. It also contains appendixes focusing on laws per­taining to children with special needs (IDEA, Section 504, and ADA), testifying as an expert witness, and test reviews.

Other useful features of the text include the following:

  • Extensive coverage of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales–Fifth Edition (SB5) and the Differential Ability Scales–Second Edition (DAS–II)
  • Brief reviews of 13 specialised measures of intelligence, 17 measures of academic achievement, and 20 measures of receptive and expressive language
  • Tables showing the estimated WISC–V Full Scale IQs as­sociated with 47 short-form combinations and one 10-subtest combination
  • Tables showing the estimated WPPSI–IV Full Scale IQs associated with 41 short-form combinations and one 6-subtest combination for children between the ages of 2-6 and 3-11 years and 53 short-form combinations and one 10-subtest combination for children between the ages of 4-0 and 7-7 years
  • Tables showing the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) abilities associated with each subtest and index score on the WISC–V, WPPSI–IV, SB5, DAS–II, and WJ IV COG
  • A chapter on statistics and psychometric concepts
  • A chapter discussing the important principles of report writing
  • A checklist for recording psychological and physical diffi­culties observed during test administration and a parallel table explaining each psychological and physical difficulty that appears in the checklist
  • A checklist for evaluating Gardner’s multiple intelligences

This edition contains several useful learning aids. These include:

  • A list of major headings (with page numbers), together with goals and objectives, at the beginning of each chapter
  • A “Thinking Through the Issues” section; a summary of each major topic; a list of key terms, each linked to the page on which it appears; and a series of study questions at the end of each chapter
  • Checklists for evaluating a student’s competency in ad­ministering the WISC–V, WPPSI–IV, SB5, and DAS–II
  • Exercises on report writing
  • Report writing principles

Table of Contents


  1. Challenges in Assessing Children: The Process 1
    • Types of Assessment 5
    • Four Pillars of a Multimethod Assessment 7
    • Multimethod Assessment 9
    • Guidelines for Conducting a Multimethod Assessment 10
    • Steps in a Multimethod Assessment 13
    • Concluding Comment 20
    • Thinking Through the Issues 20
    • Summary 22
    • Key Terms 24
    • Study Questions 24
  2. Challenges in Assessing Children: The Context 25
    • A Profile of the School-Aged Children Served Under IDEA 26
    • Classification and Labeling 29
    • Controversy Regarding the Use of Standardized Tests 33
    • Theoretical Perspectives for a Multimethod Assessment 34
    • Variables to Consider in a Multimethod Assessment 45
    • Accounting for Poor Test Performance 53
    • Computer-Based Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation 54
    • Strategies for Becoming an Effective Evaluator 57
    • Concluding Comment on Challenges in Assessing Children 58
    • Thinking Through the Issues 60
    • Summary 60
    • Key Terms 65
    • Study Questions 66
  3. Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children 67
    • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Groups: Problems, Values,
    • and Acculturation 68
    • Demographic, Educational, and Health Trends for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Groups 77
    • Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Groups 81
    • Dynamics of Cross-Ethnic and Cross-Cultural Assessment 83
    • Assessment of Bilingual Children 85
    • Translations of Assessment Instruments 85
    • Interpreters 87
    • Arguments Against the Use of Intelligence Tests in Assessing Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children 91
    • Arguments for the Use of Intelligence Tests in Assessing Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children 96
    • Court Cases Involving Assessment Techniques 97
    • Intelligence and Ethnic Differences 98
    • Development of Culture-Fair Tests for Assessing Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children 99
    • Recommendations 99
    • Comment on the Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children 104
    • Thinking Through the Issues 105
    • Summary 106
    • Key Terms 110
    • Study Questions 111
  4. Role of the Evaluator in the Assessment Process 113
    • Evaluator Characteristics 114
    • Preparing for the First Meeting 119
    • Establishing Rapport 121
    • Observing Children 125
    • General Suggestions for Administering Tests 136
    • Administering Tests to Children with Special Needs 144
    • Thinking Through the Issues 147
    • Summary 148
    • Key Terms 151
    • Study Questions 151


  1. Historical Survey and Theories of Intelligence 153
    • 19th-Century and Early 20th-Century Developments 154
    • Later 20th-Century Developments 157
    • Definitions of Intelligence 160
    • Introduction of Factor Analytic Theories of Intelligence 161
    • Multifactor Theory Camp 163
    • General and Specific Factor Camp 165
    • Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Cognitive Abilities 169
    • Other Theories of Intelligence 171
    • Comment on Modern Views of Intelligence 180
    • Thinking Through the Issues 181
    • Summary 184
    • Key Terms 186
    • Study Questions 186
  2. Correlates of Intelligence 187
    • Human Intelligence and the Brain 188
    • Hereditary Influences on Intelligence 190
    • Environmental Influences on Intelligence 193
    • The Shifting Influences of Hereditary and Environment on Intelligence 198
    • Gender and Intelligence 199
    • Speed of Information Processing and Intelligence 201
    • Temporal Information Processing and Intelligence 202
    • Educational Achievement and Intelligence 202
    • Executive Functions and Intelligence 203
    • Visual Recognition Memory in Infancy and Intelligence 204
    • Life Outcomes and Intelligence 204
    • Stability and Change in Intelligence 207
    • Strengths, Limitations, and Misconceptions Associated with Intelligence Tests 210
    • Comment on Correlates of Intelligence 211
    • Thinking Through the Issues 211
    • Summary 212
    • Key Terms 218
    • Study Questions 218


  1. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fifth Edition (WISC–V): Description 219
    • A Note About Terminology 226
    • Standardization 226
    • Standard Scores, Scaled Scores, and Age Equivalents 226
    • Reliability 228
    • Validity 236
    • Intercorrelations for Subtests and Index Scales 241
    • Factor Analysis 241
    • Tables Needed to Obtain Various WISC–V Scores 249
    • Range of Subtest Scaled Scores 250
    • Range of Primary, Ancillary, and Complementary Index Scores 250
    • Range of FSIQs 250
    • Guidelines for Computing Index Scores and FSIQs 250
    • Administering the WISC–V 251
    • Short Forms 263
    • Subtest Scatter 264
    • Choosing Between the WISC–V and the WPPSI–IV or the WAIS–IV 264
    • Administering the WISC–V to Children with Disabilities 266
    • Strengths of the WISC–V 267
    • Limitations of the WISC–V 268
    • Concluding Comment 269
    • Thinking Through the Issues 269
    • Summary 269
    • Key Terms 273
    • Study Questions 273
  2. WISC–V Subtests 275
    • Block Design 277
    • Similarities 281
    • Matrix Reasoning 284
    • Digit Span 286
    • Coding 290
    • Vocabulary 293
    • Figure Weights 297
    • Visual Puzzles 299
    • Picture Span 302
    • Symbol Search 304
    • Information 308
    • Picture Concepts 310
    • Letter–Number Sequencing 313
    • Cancellation 315
    • Naming Speed Literacy 318
    • Naming Speed Quantity 321
    • Immediate Symbol Translation 324
    • Comprehension 326
    • Arithmetic 328
    • Delayed Symbol Translation 331
    • Recognition Symbol Translation 333
    • Thinking Through the Issues 335
    • Summary 335
    • Key Terms 337
    • Study Questions 337
  3. Interpreting the WISC–V 339
    • FSIQ 340
    • Primary Indexes 340
    • Ancillary Indexes 341
    • Complementary Indexes 343
    • Profile Analysis 343
    • Does Scatter Invalidate the Wechsler Full Scale IQ? 367
    • Comment on the General Ability Index and the Cognitive Proficiency Index 369
    • A Successive-Level Approach to Test Interpretation 370
    • Steps in Analyzing a Protocol 371
    • Estimated Percentile Ranks for Standard Scores and Scaled Scores 371
    • Age Equivalents for Total Raw Scores 372
    • Comment on Interpreting the WISC–V 372
    • Thinking Through the Issues 373
    • Summary 373
    • Key Terms 376
    • Study Questions 376
  4. Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence–Fourth Edition (WPPSI–IV): Description 377
    • A Note About Terminology 383
    • Standardization 383
    • Standard Scores, Scaled Scores, and Age Equivalents 384
    • Reliability 384
    • Validity 388
    • Intercorrelations for Subtests and Scales 391
    • Factor Analysis 394
    • Range of Subtest Scaled Scores 402
    • Range of FSIQs 402
    • Guidelines for Computing Index Scores and FSIQs 402
    • Administering the WPPSI–IV 403
    • Short Forms 414
    • Subtest Scatter 415
    • Choosing Between the WPPSI–IV and the WISC–V 415
    • Administering the WPPSI–IV to Children with Disabilities 415
    • Strengths of the WPPSI–IV 416
    • Limitations of the WPPSI–IV 417
    • Concluding Comment 418
    • Thinking Through the Issues 418
    • Summary 418
    • Key Terms 421
    • Study Questions 421
  5. WPPSI–IV Subtests 423
    • Block Design 424
    • Information 429
    • Matrix Reasoning 432
    • Bug Search 434
    • Picture Memory 436
    • Similarities 438
    • Picture Concepts 441
    • Cancellation 443
    • Zoo Locations 445
    • Object Assembly 448
    • Vocabulary 450
    • Animal Coding 453
    • Comprehension 455
    • Receptive Vocabulary 458
    • Picture Naming 460
    • Thinking Through the Issues 462
    • Summary 462
    • Key Terms 464
    • Study Questions 464
  6. Interpreting the WPPSI–IV 465
    • The FSIQ and Index Scores 466
    • Profile Analysis 468
    • Comment on Profile Analysis 486
    • A Successive-Level Approach to Test Interpretation 487
    • Steps in Analyzing a Protocol 488
    • Estimated Percentile Ranks and Age Equivalents for Total Raw Scores 488
    • Comment on Interpreting the WPPSI–IV 489
    • Thinking Through the Issues 489
    • Summary 490
    • Key Terms 492
    • Study Questions 492


  1. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales–Fifth Edition (SB5) 493
    • Prior Editions of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales 494
    • Overview of the SB5 495
    • Standardization 496
    • Standard Scores and Age Equivalents 498
    • Reliability 499
    • Validity 501
    • Intercorrelations for Subtests and Factor Indexes 501
    • Factor Analysis 505
    • Range of Subtest Scaled Scores, Factor Index Scores, and Nonverbal IQs, Verbal IQs, and Full Scale IQs 506
    • General Guidelines for Test Administration 506
    • Nonverbal Fluid Reasoning 509
    • Nonverbal Knowledge 511
    • Nonverbal Quantitative Reasoning 512
    • Nonverbal Visual-Spatial Processing 514
    • Nonverbal Working Memory 516
    • Verbal Fluid Reasoning 517
    • Verbal Knowledge 519
    • Verbal Quantitative Reasoning 521
    • Verbal Visual-Spatial Processing 522
    • Verbal Working Memory 524
    • A Successive-Level Approach to Test Interpretation 525
    • Steps in Analyzing a Protocol 526
    • Strengths of the SB5 527
    • Limitations of the SB5 527
    • Concluding Comment 528
    • Thinking Through the Issues 528
    • Summary 528
    • Key Terms 532
    • Study Questions 532
  2. Differential Ability Scales–Second Edition Normative Update(DAS–II NU) 533
    • A Note About Terminology 534
    • DAS–II Battery 534
    • Standardization 534
    • Standard Scores and T Scores 537
    • Reliability 537
    • Validity 537
    • Intercorrelations for Subtests and Scales 539
    • Factor Analysis 540
    • Range of Subtest T Scores 542
    • Range of Cluster and Composite Standard Scores 542
    • Overview of Administration Procedures 542
    • Word Definitions 544
    • Verbal Similarities 546
    • Matrices 548
    • Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning 549
    • Recall of Designs 550
    • Pattern Construction 552
    • Recognition of Pictures 554
    • Recall of Sequential Order 556
    • Recall of Digits Backward 557
    • Recall of Digits Forward 558
    • Speed of Information Processing 560
    • Rapid Naming 561
    • Phonological Processing 563
    • Recall of Objects–Immediate and Recall of Objects–Delayed 564
    • Interpreting the DAS–II 566
    • Clusters and Composites 567
    • Profile Analysis 568
    • Comparisons Between Cluster Scores That Can Guide Interpretations 572
    • Comparisons Between Subtests That Can Guide Interpretations 573
    • Concluding Comment on the DAS–II 574
    • Thinking Through the Issues 574
    • Summary 574
    • Key Terms 578
    • Study Questions 578
  3. Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities
    • (WJ IV COG) 581
    • Tests and Clusters 582
    • Factor Analysis 589
    • Administering the WJ IV COG 591
    • Introduction to the 18 WJ IV COG Tests 593
    • Test 1. Oral Vocabulary 593
    • Test 2. Number Series 594
    • Test 3. Verbal Attention 595
    • Test 4. Letter-Pattern Matching 596
    • Test 5. Phonological Processing 598
    • Test 6. Story Recall 599
    • Test 7. Visualization 600
    • Test 8. General Information 601
    • Test 9. Concept Formation 603
    • Test 10. Numbers Reversed 604
    • Test 11. Number-Pattern Matching 605
    • Test 12. Nonword Repetition 606
    • Test 13. Visual-Auditory Learning 607
    • Test 14. Picture Recognition 608
    • Test 15. Analysis-Synthesis 608
    • Test 16. Object-Number Sequencing 609
    • Test 17. Pair Cancellation 610
    • Test 18. Memory for Words 611
    • Interpreting the WJ IV COG 612
    • Strengths of the WJ IV COG 613
    • Limitations of the WJ IV COG 614
    • Concluding Comment on the WJ IV COG 614
    • Thinking Through the Issues 614
    • Summary 614
    • Key Terms 618
    • Study Questions 618
  4. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children–Second Edition Normative Update (KABC–II NU) 619
    • Subtests and Scales 622
    • Dual Theoretical Models 624
    • Standardization 625
    • Scale Scores, Scaled Scores, and Age Equivalents 626
    • Reliability 630
    • Validity 632
    • Intercorrelations Between Subtests and Scales 634
    • Factor Analysis 634
    • Range of Subtest Scaled Scores and Index Scores 642
    • Introduction to the 18 KABC–II NU Subtests 643
    • Atlantis 645
    • Conceptual Thinking 646
    • Face Recognition 647
    • Story Completion 649
    • Number Recall 650
    • Gestalt Closure 652
    • Rover 653
    • Atlantis Delayed 655
    • Expressive Vocabulary 656
    • Verbal Knowledge 657
    • Rebus 659
    • Triangles 660
    • Block Counting 662
    • Word Order 663
    • Pattern Reasoning 665
    • Hand Movements 666
    • Rebus Delayed 667
    • Riddles 669
    • Interpreting the KABC–II NU 670
    • Strengths of the KABC–II NU 672
    • Limitations of the KABC–II NU 672
    • Concluding Comment on the KABC–II NU 673
    • Thinking Through the Issues 673
    • Summary 673
    • Key Terms 678
    • Study Questions 679


  1. Specific Learning Disability 681
    • Definitions of Specific Learning Disability 682
    • Symptoms of Learning Disorders 685
    • Some Statistics About Specific Learning Disability 686
    • Etiology of Specific Learning Disability 687
    • Precursors of Specific Learning Disability at Preschool Age 689
    • Specific Learning Disability Among School-Age Children 689
    • Reading Disorder 692
    • Mathematics Disorder 695
    • Disorder of Written Expression 695
    • Communication Disorders 696
    • Nonverbal Learning Disability 697
    • Assessment of Specific Learning Disability 698
    • General Approaches to Identifying Specific Learning Disability 703
    • Comment on Assessment Procedures 708
    • Interventions for Specific Learning Disability 709
    • Older Adolescents and Young Adults with Specific Learning Disability 714
    • Concluding Comment on Specific Learning Disability 714
    • Thinking Through the Issues 715
    • Summary 715
    • Key Terms 720
    • Study Questions
  2. Intellectual Disability 723
    • Defining Intellectual Disability 724
    • Comparison of DSM-5-TR, AAIDD, and ICD-11 Definitions 726
    • Intellectual Disability: Other Considerations 727
    • Distribution of Intellectual Disability in the Population 728
    • Risk Factors for Intellectual Disability 730
    • Disorders Co-Occurring (Comorbid) with Intellectual Disability 732
    • Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities 733
    • Relationship Between Measured Intelligence and Adaptive Behavior 733
    • Assessment of Intellectual Disability 734
    • Interventions for Intellectual Disability 737
    • Concluding Comment on Intellectual Disability 739
    • Thinking Through the Issues 739
    • Summary 740
    • Key Terms 744
    • Study Questions 744
  3. Giftedness and Creativity 745
    • Intellectual and Personality Characteristics of Gifted Children 746
    • Underachieving Gifted Children 748
    • Children Who Are Twice Exceptional 750
    • Preschool Gifted Children 752
    • Long-Term Studies of Gifted Individuals 752
    • Promoting Psychosocial Adjustment in Gifted Children 753
    • Educating Gifted Children 754
    • Creativity 757
    • Identifying and Assessing Giftedness and Creativity 759
    • Working with Parents of Gifted Children 761
    • Comment on Enhancing the Development of Gifted Children 761
    • Thinking Through the Issues 762
    • Summary 762
    • Key Terms 766
    • Summary 766
    • Study Questions 766


  1. Report Writing 767
    • Introduction to Psychological Report Writing 768
    • Sections of a Psychological Report 774
    • Principles of Report Writing 781
    • Concluding Comment on Report Writing 807
    • Thinking Through the Issues 807
    • Summary 807
    • Key Terms 812
    • Study Questions 812
    • References 813
    • Name Index 847
    • Subject Index 853


Appendix A. Tables for the WISC–V

  • A-1. Confidence Intervals for WISC–V Primary Index Scores and FSIQs Based on Obtained Score Only 2
  • A-2. Confidence Intervals for WISC–V Ancillary and Complementary Index Scores Based on Obtained Score Only 4
  • A-3. Differences Between WISC–V Subtest Scaled Scores and Between Primary Index Scores Required for Statistical Significance at the .05 and .01 Levels of Significance for the 11 Age Groups and the Total Group 6
  • A-4. Estimates of the Probability of Obtaining Designated Differences Between WISC–V Primary Index Scores by Chance 13
  • A-5. Reliability and Validity Coefficients of WISC–V Short Forms for Various 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-Subtest Combinations 17
  • A-6. Reliable and Unusual Scaled-Score Ranges for Selected WISC–V Subtest Combinations 19
  • A-7. Estimated WISC–V Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for Various 2-Subtest Short Forms 21
  • A-8. Estimated WISC–V Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for Various 3-Subtest Short Forms 23
  • A-9. Estimated WISC–V Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for Various 4-Subtest Short Forms 25
  • A-10. Estimated WISC–V Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for Various 5-Subtest Short Forms 27
  • A-11. Estimated WISC–V Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for Various 6-Subtest Short Forms 30
  • A-12. Confidence Intervals for Estimated WISC–V Full Scale IQs Based on 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-Subtest Short Forms 32
  • A-13. Estimated WISC–V FSIQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for the 10 Subtests Used in the Five Primary Index Scores 33
  • A-14. Administrative Checklist for the WISC–V 34
  • A-15. Administrative Checklist for the WISC–V Q-Interactive 52

Appendix B. Tables for the WPPSI–IV

  • B-1. Confidence Intervals for WPPSI–IV Primary Index Scores and FSIQs Based on Obtained Score Only 56
  • B-2. Confidence Intervals for WPPSI–IV Ancillary Index Scores Based on Obtained Score Only 58
  • B-3. Differences Between WPPSI–IV Subtest Scaled Scores and Between Primary Index Scores Required for Statistical Significance at the .05 and .01 Levels of Significance for Ages 2-6 to 3-11 and Combined Ages 59
  • B-4. Differences Between WPPSI–IV Subtest Scaled Scores and Between Primary Index Scores Required for Statistical Significance at the .05 and .01 Levels of Significance for Ages 4-0 to 7-7 and Combined Ages 61
  • B-5. Estimates of the Probability of Obtaining Designated Differences between WPPSI–IV Primary Index Scores by Chance 65
  • B-6. Reliability and Validity Coefficients of WPPSI–IV Short Forms for Various 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-Subtest Combinations for Ages 2-6 to 3-11 69
  • B-7. Reliability and Validity Coefficients of WPPSI–IV Short Forms for Various 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-Subtest Combinations for Ages 4-0 to 7-7 70
  • B-8. Reliable and Unusual Scaled-Score Ranges for Selected WPPSI–IV Subtest Combinations for Ages 2-6 to 3-11 71
  • B-9. Reliable and Unusual Scaled-Score Ranges for Selected WPPSI–IV Subtest Combinations for Ages 4-0 to 7-7 72
  • B-10. Estimated WPPSI–IV Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for Various 2-Subtest Short Forms for Ages 2-6 to 3-11 74
  • B-11. Estimated WPPSI–IV Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for Various 2-Subtest Short Forms for Ages 4-0 to 7-7 75
  • B-12. Estimated WPPSI–IV Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for Various 3-Subtest Short Forms for Ages 2-6 to 3-11 77
  • B-13. Estimated WPPSI–IV Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for Various 3-Subtest Short Forms for Ages 4-0 to 7-7 79
  • B-14. Estimated WPPSI–IV Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for Various 4-Subtest Short Forms for Ages 2-6 to 3-11 81
  • B-15. Estimated WPPSI–IV Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for Various 4-Subtest Short Forms for Ages 4-0 to 7-7 83
  • B-16. Estimated WPPSI–IV Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for One 5-Subtest Short Form for Ages 2-6 to 3-11 85
  • B-17. Estimated WPPSI–IV Full Scale IQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for Various 5-Subtest Short Forms for Ages 4-0 to 7-7 86
  • B-18. Confidence Intervals for Estimated WPPSI–IV Full Scale IQs Based on 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-Subtest Short Forms for Ages 2-6 to 3-11 88
  • B-19. Confidence Intervals for Estimated WPPSI–IV Full Scale IQs Based on 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-Subtest Short Forms for Ages 4-0 to 7-7 89
  • B-20. Estimated WPPSI–IV FSIQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for the Six Subtests Used in the Three Primary Index Scales for Ages 2-0 to 3-11 90
  • B-21. Estimated WPPSI–IV FSIQs for Sum of Scaled Scores for the 10 Subtests Used in the Five Primary Index Scales for Ages 4-0 to 7-7 91
  • B-22. Administrative Checklist for the WPPSI–IV 92

Appendix C. Tables for the WISC–V and WPPSI–IV

  • Table C-1. Interpretive Rationales, Implications of High and Low Scores, and Instructional Implications for WISC–V and WPPSI–IV Subtests 106
  • Table C-2. Interpretive Rationales, Implications of High and Low Scores, and Instructional Implications for WISC–V and WPPSI–IV FSIQ and Index Scores 117
  • Table C-3. Definitions of Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with WISC–V and WPPSI–IV Subtests 126
  • Table C-4. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-HornCarroll (CHC) Model Associated with WISC–V and WPPSI–IV Subtests 128
  • Table C-5. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-HornCarroll (CHC) Model Associated with the WISC–V Primary Index Scores and FSIQ 130
  • Table C-6. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-HornCarroll (CHC) Model Associated with the WISC–V Ancillary and Complementary Index Scores 131
  • Table C-7. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-HornCarroll (CHC) Model Associated with the WPPSI–IV Primary Index Scores, Ancillary Index Scores, and FSIQ at Ages 2-6 to 3-11 132
  • Table C-8. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the CattellHorn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with the WPPSI–IV Primary Index Scores, Ancillary Index Scores, and FSIQ at Ages 4-0 to 7-7 133
  • Table C-9. Physical Abilities Necessary for the WISC–V and WPPSI–IV Subtests and Suggestions for Their Adaptation 134
  • Exhibit C-1. Reporting on WISC–V and WPPSI–IV Scales and Subtests 136

Appendix D. Tables for the SB5

  • D-1. Interpretive Rationales, Implications of High and Low Scores, and Instructional Implications for SB5 142
  • D-2. Definitions of Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with SB5 Subtests 146
  • D-3. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with SB5 Subtests 147
  • D-4. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with SB5 Factors 148
  • D-5. Administrative with SB5 Subtests 149

Appendix E. Tables for the DAS–II NU

  • E-1. Interpretive Rationales, Implications of High and Low Scores, and Instructional Implications for DAS–II NU Subtests 158
  • E-2. Definitions of Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with DAS–II NU Subtests 164
  • E-3. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with DAS–II NU Core Subtests 166
  • E-4. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with DAS–II NU Diagnostic Subtests 167
  • E-5. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with DAS–II NU Clusters and Composites 168
  • E-6. Interpretive Rationales, Implications of High and Low Scores, and Instructional Implications for DAS–II NU Clusters and Composites 169
  • E-7. Administrative Checklist for the DAS–II NU 172

Appendix F. Tables for the WJ IV COG

  • F-1. Interpretive Rationales, Implications of High and Low Scores, and Instructional Implications for WJ IV COG Tests 184
  • F-2. Interpretive Rationales, Implications of High and Low Scores, and Instructional Implications for WJ IV COG Cognitive Composite Clusters 193
  • F-3. Interpretive Rationales, Implications of High and Low Scores, and Instructional Implications for WJ IV COG CHC Factor Clusters 196
  • F-4. Interpretive Rationales, Implications of High and Low Scores, and Instructional Implications for WJ IV COG Narrow Ability and Other Clinical Clusters 203
  • F-5. Definitions of Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with WJ IV COG Tests 208
  • F-6. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with WJ IV COG Tests 210
  • F-7. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with WJ IV COG Cognitive Composite Clusters and CHC Factor Clusters 212
  • F-8. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with WJ IV COG Narrow Ability and Other Clinical Clusters 213
  • F-9. Suggested Abilities and Background Factors Associated with WJ IV COG Tests 214
  • F-10. Suggested Abilities and Background Factors Associated with WJ IV COG Cognitive Composite Clusters 218
  • F-11. Suggested Abilities and Background Factors Associated with WJ IV COG CHC Factor Clusters 220
  • F-12. Suggested Abilities and Background Factors Associated with WJ IV COG Narrow Ability and Other Clinical Clusters 222
  • F-13. Administrative Checklist for the WJ IV COG 224

Appendix G. Tables for the KABC–II NU

  • G-1. Interpretive Rationales, Implications of High and Low Scores, and Instructional Implications for KABC–II NU MPI, FCI, and NVI Global Scales 240
  • G-2. Interpretive Rationales, Implications of High and Low Scores, and Instructional Implications for KABC–II NU Specific Scales 251
  • G-3. Interpretive Rationales, Implications of High and Low Scores, and Instructional Implications for KABC–II NU Subtests 260
  • G-4. Definitions of Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with KABC–II NU Subtests 268
  • G-5. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with KABC–II NU Core and Supplementary Subtests 270
  • G-6. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with the KABC–II NU Specific Scales 272
  • G-7. Broad and Narrow Abilities in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Associated with the KABC–II NU MPI, FCI, and NVI Global Scales 273
  • G-8. Suggested Abilities and Background Factors Associated with KABC–II NU Subtests 274
  • G-9. Suggested Abilities and Background Factors Associated with KABC–II NU Specific Scales 276
  • G-10. Suggested Abilities and Background Factors Associated with KABC–II NU MPI, FCI, and NVI Global Scales 278
  • G-11. Administrative Checklist for the KABC–II NU 280

Appendix H. Assessment of Intelligence with Specialized Measures

  • Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development–Fourth Edition 292
  • Cognitive Assessment System–Second Edition 293
  • Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence–Second Edition 295
  • Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude–Fifth Edition 296
  • Leiter International Performance Scale–Third Edition 298
  • Raven’s Progressive Matrices 2, Clinical Edition 299
  • Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales– Second Edition 300
  • Test of Nonverbal Intelligence–Fourth Edition 301
  • Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test–Second Edition 302
  • Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence– Second Edition 303
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fifth Edition Integrated 304
  • Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability 306
  • Informal Tests 307
  • Thinking Through the Issues 308
  • Summary 308
  • Study Questions 311

Appendix I. Assessment of Academic Achievement

  • Types of Achievement Tests 314
  • Academic Achievement Battery Comprehensive Form 315
  • Academic Achievement Battery Screening Form 317
  • Diagnostic Achievement Battery–Fourth Edition 318
  • Feifer Assessment of Mathematics 319
  • Feifer Assessment of Reading 320
  • Gray Oral Reading Tests–Fifth Edition 321
  • Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement– Third Edition 322
  • KeyMath–3 Diagnostic Assessment 324
  • Test of Early Reading Ability–Fourth Edition 325
  • Test of Mathematical Abilities–Third Edition 326
  • Test of Silent Contextual Reading Fluency– Second Edition 327
  • Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency–Second Edition 328
  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test– Fourth Edition 329
  • Wide Range Achievement Test–Fifth Edition 330
  • Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests–Third Edition 331
  • Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement 332
  • Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Early Cognitive and Academic Development 334
  • Thinking Through the Issues 335
  • Summary 336
  • Key Terms 338
  • Study Questions 338

Appendix J. Assessment of Receptive and Expressive Language

  • Receptive and Expressive Language 340
  • Boehm Test of Basic Concepts–Third Edition 342
  • Boehm Test of Basic Concepts–Third Edition: Preschool 343
  • Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Expressive 343
  • Bracken Basic Concept Scale–Fourth Edition: Receptive 344
  • Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals– Fifth Edition 346
  • Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language–Second Edition 347
  • Comprehensive Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test–Third Edition 348
  • Expressive Vocabulary Test–Third Edition 349
  • Oral and Written Language Scales–Second Edition 350
  • Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test–Fifth Edition 352
  • Preschool Language Scales–Fifth Edition 352
  • Test of Adolescent and Adult Language– Fourth Edition 353
  • Test of Auditory Comprehension of Language– Fourth Edition 354
  • Test of Early Language Development–Fourth Edition 355
  • Test of Early Written Language–Third Edition 356
  • Test of Language Development–Primary: Fifth Edition 357
  • Test of Language Development–Intermediate: Fifth Edition 358
  • Test of Orthographic Competence–Second Edition 359
  • Test of Written Language–Fourth Edition 360
  • Test of Written Spelling–Fifth Edition 361
  • Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Oral Language 362
  • Thinking Through the Issues 363
  • Summary 364
  • Key Terms 366
  • Study Questions 366

Appendix K. Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues

  • APA’s Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation 370
  • APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct 371
  • APA’s Guidelines for the Practice of Telepsychology 374
  • APA’s Guidelines for Working with Ethnically, Linguistically, and Culturally Diverse Populations 374
  • APA’s Guidelines for Psychological Practice for People with Low-Income and Economic Marginalization 375
  • APA’s Guidelines for Working with Girls and Women 376
  • APA’s Guidelines for Working with Boys and Men 376
  • APA’s Guidelines for Working with People with Disabilities 377
  • APA’s Guidelines for Psychological Evaluations in Child Protection Matters 378
  • APA’s Guidelines for Working with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People 378
  • Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists 379
  • NASP’s Professional Standards 379
  • APA’s Guidelines for Record Keeping 382
  • Joint Committee on Testing Practices’s Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education 382
  • Comment on Ethical Considerations 383
  • Overview of Five Federal Laws Pertaining to Assessment 384
  • Confidentiality of Assessment Findings and Records 386
  • Informed Consent 390
  • Forensic Assessment 391
  • Regulating the Profession 394
  • Educational Qualifications of Psychologists 395
  • Thinking Through the Issues 396
  • Summary 396
  • Key Terms 400
  • Study Questions 400

Appendix L. A Primer on Statistics and Psychometrics

  • The Why of Psychological Measurement and Statistics 402
  • Scales of Measurement 402
  • Descriptive Statistics 404
  • Correlation 408
  • Regression 412
  • Multiple Correlation 413
  • Norm-Referenced Measurement 413
  • Derived Scores 414
  • Inferential Statistics 419
  • Reliability 420
  • Item Response Theory 426
  • Differential Item Functioning 427
  • Validity 428
  • Meta-Analysis 434
  • Factor Analysis 434
  • Other Useful Psychometric Concepts 437
  • Concluding Comment 438
  • Thinking Through the Issues 438
  • Summary 438
  • Key Terms 443
  • Study Questions 445

Appendix M. Miscellaneous Tables and Exhibits

  • Table M-1. Indicators of Psychological or Physical Difficulties 448
  • Table M-2. Explanation of Indicators of Psychological or Physical Difficulties from Table M-1 451
  • Table M-3. Checklist for Assessing Student’s Multiple Intelligences 457
  • Exhibit M-1. Handout for Parents: Guidelines for Working with Children with Special Needs 460
  • Exhibit M-2. Handout for Parents: Guidelines for Working with Gifted and Talented Children 465

Appendix N. IDEA 2004, Section 504, and ADA

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004) 468

SECTION 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 484

  • Comparison of Section 504 and IDEA 2004 485
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 486
  • Recommended Internet Resources For IDEA 2004, Section 504, and |
  • the ADA 486
  • Interpretations of IDEA 2004, Section 504, and the ADA 487
  • Appendix O. Challenges of Being an Expert Witness
  • Frye Standard and Daubert Standard 490
  • Standards of Proof 491
  • Reasonable Certainty of Opinion 491
  • Testifying as an Expert Witness 491
  • Effectiveness as an Expert Witness 501
  • Concluding Comment 501
  • Thinking Through the Issues 504
  • Summary 505
  • Key Terms 506
  • Study Questions 506
  • References 507
  • Name Index 513

"Sattler's COGNITIVE SEVENTH EDITION continues to be the GOLD STANDARD!"
- S. Kathleen Krach, PhD., Florida State University

"A contemporary update of the classic text that generations of psychology students have relied on, this edition aptly continues the tradition of clarifying the how, what, when, and why in the planning, interpreting, and administering of cognitive assessments."
- Mark Kitzie, PsyD, Youth Development Clinic, Newark, NJ

"Sattler has once again produced an invaluable resource for assessment professionals. This book should be on the shelf of anyone involved with the assessment of children."
- Ron Dumont, PhD, professor emeritus at Fairleigh Dickinson University

"Put simply, Sattler’s text is a tour de force in the field of assessment psychology.  It remains as relevant today as it was over 45 years ago when the first edition was published. As such, Assessment of Children: Cognitive Foundations and Applications should be considered by any practitioner or trainer who is interested in the clinical assessment of children’s cognitive ability in professional psychology and education. (2019 review of 6th Edition)"
- Dombrowski, S. C., & McGill, R. J., Book Reviews: Assessment of Children: Cognitive Foundations and Applications, by Sattler, J. M. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.