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ASPIRE to Wellbeing and Learning for All in Secondary Settings: The Principles Underpinning Positive Education

$29.05  Paperback
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Sue Roffey Australian author

  • ASPIRE to Wellbeing and Learning for All in Secondary Settings

160 pages
Interest Age: 12 to 18
ISBN: 9781032549514

This truly accessible resource shows secondary school practitioners how to help make every child and young person feel like they really matter when they are in school, so they can develop confidence, resilience, love of learning, a positive sense of self and healthy relationships.

Sue Roffey shows how to create a learning environment where all pupils can thrive and make progress in learning, and where wellbeing for everyone is at the heart of every school. By using the unique evidence-based ASPIRE principles of Agency, Safety, Positivity, Inclusion, Respect and Equity in practice, this insightful book shows teachers how to redress the balance in ways that maximise a love for learning, build a positive sense of self, construct healthy relationships, foster resilience and help young people make good choices. This resource features a chapter for each principle which explores what this means, why it matters and how it can be applied across secondary schools. Although visionary, the book is based on both substantial evidence and good practice, with each chapter supported by case-studies across the world.

The book demonstrates the positive difference each principle makes to children in secondary school settings as well as teachers, parents and the overall community. It is a must-read for secondary school teachers, tutors, school leaders, psychologists, parents and anyone who wants an education system that is inclusive, holistic and effective for all students.

Table of Contents



Power with, not power over


Physical, emotional, social, psychological and digital


Strengths, solutions, smiles and support


Everyone welcome, everyone matters, everyone participates


For individuals, communities and human rights


Fairness and flexibility

7. ASPIRE in action across the world

"Sue Roffey has written an essential book for educators across the globe. The ASPIRE principles encompass foundational pillars for the promotion of learning and well-being for all children and youth. This is a user-friendly volume with many practical applications. Teachers and educational administrators around the world will benefit greatly from the wisdom in these pages. I highly recommend it to educators, parents, psychologists, counsellors, and anyone interested in flourishing and the creation of a just and vibrant society."
- Isaac Prilleltensky, Professor, PhD, University of Miami

"As Sue Roffey articulates so intelligently, passionately and clearly, wellbeing is both complex and contextual. This book provides a comprehensive and clear framework for considering how best to grow contextual wellbeing across your whole school using her well established ASPIRE principles. A fabulous foundation for whole-school development, and a much-needed voice for wellbeing equity."
- Helen Street, Founder of Contextual Wellbeing and Positive Schools, Honorary Fellow, The University of Western Australia

"This excellent book shows how to enable pupils to flourish in school now and how we can help all to thrive in future. The ASPIRE principles build social justice. I highly recommend it."
- Anthony Seldon, Co-chair of the Times Education Commission Report: Bringing out the Best

"Wellbeing is not merely a means to an end. It is the end goal we all aspire to, and how ultimately, we measure the success of our lives. Dr Sue Roffey’s ASPIRE books provide a pathway for schools to build wellbeing for all - students, educators, and community. Dr Roffey illustrates how the ASPIRE principles can underpin the values of a school, inform and drive policy, practice and structure, and guide teacher-student relationships. This work is pro-active, comprehensive and universal and aims at nothing less than a revitalisation of education."
- Denise Quinlan, , Director of the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience