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Sharon Vaughn

rti for reading at the secondary level

RTI for Reading at the Secondary Level


Describes RTI procedures specifically tailored to the needs of struggling adolescent le...

teaching reading comprehension to students with learning difficulties

Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning ...


Clear, evidence-based recommendations for helping students at all grade levels understa...

Sharon Vaughn

Sharon Vaughn, PhD, holds the H. E. Hartfelder/Southland Corp. Regents Chair in Human Development at the University of Texas at Austin and is Executive Director of the Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk. She has written numerous books and research articles that address the reading and social outcomes of students with learning difficulties, and is currently investigating effective interventions for students with reading difficulties and students who are English language learners. Dr. Vaughn has served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Learning Disabilities and Coeditor of Learning Disabilities Research and Practice. She has received the Career Research Award from the CEC, the Distinguished Researcher Award from the Special Education Research Special Interest Group of AERA, the Career Excellence Award from the University of Texas, and the Albert J. Harris Award from the International Reading Association.