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Organisation and Everyday Life with Dyslexia and other SpLDs

$51.81  Paperback
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Ginny Stacey, Sally Fowler

  • Organisation and Everyday Life with Dyslexia and other SpLDs

328 pages
ISBN: 9781138202412

Organisation and Everyday Life with Dyslexia and other SpLDs is the second book in the series Living Confidently with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs). This book is about the wide impacts of dyslexia/ SpLD on everyday life. All dyslexic/ SpLD people live with the possibility that their mind will function in a dyslexic/ SpLD way at any moment, regardless of strategies that they have acquired or developed. Even people with many strategies can suddenly find themselves struggling with their dyslexia/ SpLD again.

This book is addressed to dyslexic/ SpLD readers. Organisation is promoted as a tool to minimise the effects of dyslexia /SpLD. The book covers:

  • situations that might disrupt organisation
  • a systematic approach to organisation
  • everyday life, study peripherals and employment.

It has many life stories to help readers recognise the impacts of their own dyslexia/ SpLD.

Dyslexic/ SpLDs have the potential to offer skills and alternative approaches to tasks. Often, the solutions that they devise for themselves are very useful to the non-dyslexic/ SpLD people around them, which can enhance their self-confidence.

When organisation suits the individual with SpLD innate intelligence and potential can be realised.

Table of Contents

Front Matter

  • Acknowledgements
  • Illustrations
  • Useful Preface

Chapter 1: Organisation

Chapter 2: Time and Time Management

Chapter 3: Space, Place and Direction

Chapter 4: Everyday Life

Chapter 5: Study Peripherals

Chapter 6: Employment


  • Appendix 1: Resources
  • Appendix 2: Individual, Personal Profile of Dyslexia/SpLD and Regime for Managing Dyslexia/SpLD
  • Appendix 3: Key Concepts



"This book is packed with colour, shapes, mind maps, boxes and different ‘routes’ through the material. Like everything in it, these provide excellent approaches for everyone whether individuals with an SpLD or not. It is possible to pick and choose what works for any one person, and key concepts run throughout the material strengthening the supportive approach. Similarly, these ingredients in the book are hugely helpful: lots of real examples, tips, models, resources and stories, as well as lots of headings, questions, alternatives, key concepts, solutions, insights, benefits, options and further references. A real gem, full of strategies."
- Sally Daunt, SpLD Tutor, Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts, UK

"This was an engaging read. I found the real-life examples in support of the observations and solutions particularly interesting as they bought the wider theory to life. This book offers numerous highly practical life strategies for dyslexics, but I also think that it has a broader application as many of the challenges described will be familiar to readers whether they perceive themselves to be dyslexic or not. Overall, I went away very impressed by the attention to detail, accessible style and reassuring tone."
- Dr James Fowler, Essex Business School, University of Essex, UK

"In this outstanding and unique new book, Ginny Stacey and Sarah Fowler provide a wealth of tips and techniques, acquired over many years of living with dyslexia and working with people who have it, that can help dyslexics function more efficiently in their daily lives. Written by dyslexics for dyslexics, the book is organised and presented in a way that cleverly considers the different ways dyslexics process and assimilate information, acknowledging that there is not a ‘one-fits-all’ approach to dealing with dyslexia. Central to their approach to coping with dyslexia is the notion of ‘metacognition’, of reflecting on your own style of thinking to understand how dyslexia uniquely affects you, and what coping strategies and techniques work for you. Accordingly, by the time you have finished the book, you will not only have become more organised, productive and content with living with dyslexia; you will also be an expert on your unique style of thinking. Whether you are a student or a professional, I cannot recommend this book enough."
- James Tierney, LLB, BCL, LPC, Solicitor and a former student of Stacey