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Sally J Rogers

coaching parents of young children with autism

Coaching Parents of Young Children with Autism


Covers deepening parents' understanding of how to boost skills during everyday activiti...

early start denver model for young children with autism

Early Start Denver Model for Young Children with Autism


This state-of-the-art manual presents the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM): a comprehens...

Sally J Rogers

Sally J. Rogers, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry at the MIND Institute at the University of California, Davis. She is a pioneering autism researcher known for her work on early intervention for preschoolers, imitation deficits, family interventions, and autism in infancy. As a clinician, she provides evaluation, treatment, and consultation to children and adults with autism and their families. With Geraldine Dawson, Dr. Rogers developed the Early Start Denver Model, the first empirically validated comprehensive intervention for toddlers with autism. She is coauthor of books including An Early Start for Your Child with Autism (for parents) and Early Start Denver Model for Young Children with Autism (for professionals).